Keep Your Clients

Best practices for client communications, client retention strategies, and how to make the most of every client relationship

What if, instead of constantly going out to find new clients, you could keep doing the work you love with clients you adore?

Wouldn’t that be fantastic?

Your life would probably be considerably less stressful…

You wouldn’t have to worry so much about where your next paycheque is coming from, or how to navigate contracts and relationships with new clients all the time.

You’d be able to have long-term, meaningful relationships with clients you actually like.

You’d have extra time in your day to spend with family or enjoy hobbies (remember when you used to have hobbies?), because you wouldn’t have to hustle so hard to market your business.

In fact, studies show that it costs 5x as much to find new clients compared to KEEPING existing clients.

Just imagine how much time, energy, and money you could save if you didn’t have to be pitching, pitching, pitching every day!

The good news? There are a variety of methods you can use to hold onto your awesome clients.

Over the years, we’ve built long-term relationships with a select group of clients who we love working with (and who love working with us!).

It means we spend way less time marketing our services and actively pitching clients… because we simply don’t need to do that anymore.

Pitching clients is fundamental when you’re starting out or when you need more clients for your business. But once you have those clients, then it’s time to shift your focus to retaining the clients you more enjoy working with.

Can you really afford NOT to retain clients?

Get yourself out of the rat race: it’s time to Keep Your Clients!

Course Curriculum

  Module 0: Welcome
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Your Instructor

Dan & Sagan
Dan & Sagan

Hi! We’re Sagan and Dan. Between the two of us, we have nearly 20 years of combined business experience.

To be honest, we’re both introverts -- and that means we have low reserves of energy available for marketing our business.

We’ve gotten around this issue by holding onto clients when we get them! Having long-term relationships with clients means we spend way less time actively finding new clients, and a whole lot more energy for the important things in life.

It’s truly not difficult to keep clients. It’s actually pretty straightforward! With our techniques, you’ll be empowered to have long-term retainer clients, making scheduling your life that much easier.

We can’t wait to show you how to do it in Keep Your Clients.

"Sagan is really engaging! She has an impressive screen presence and speaks clearly and succinctly. Sagan has plenty of personality, but it doesn’t distract from her points. She highlights what’s important without overdoing it and shares concrete information. Juxta Communications has a supportive, inspiring vibe, and they’ve proven that they have great value in their e-courses!"

- Alyssa

What happens when you keep your clients, instead of constantly seeking out new ones?

- The extensive onboarding process of back-and-forth negotiations and getting to know each other drastically reduces

- You can focus on doing the work you enjoy, rather than putting yourself out there again and again and again until you burn yourself out

- You know your clients on a more personal level, meaning you have real relationships with them and a more comprehensive understanding of their businesses (so the quality of your work for them improves… AND you can produce it in less time!)

When you keep your clients, you can breathe easy, knowing when your next paycheque is coming in.

You can stop spending so many hours doing all the networking that you don’t really like, anyway.

And you can get back to the whole reason why you wanted to start your business in the first place: to have the freedom and flexibility to take time off, and to do the work you love with awesome people.

Ready to make that your reality?


Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
All the materials are in there so you can get started as soon as you join! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
Is this all just theory, or is it action-oriented?
We are ALL about the action! In fact, each lesson includes a corresponding action item so that you’re not just learning what you need to know… but taking ACTION on it, every step along the way!

"Sagan’s helped me not just with how to find clients, but what to do once you have them!"

- Melanie

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