Pitching Clients 101

Step-by-step training guide to help you identify prospects and land your first client

You know that clients = income with your freelance business. But the idea of pitching clients? Eeek! That send you running in the other direction.

What if landing your first (and subsequent!) client didn’t have to be so scary?

What if you could pitch the right clients -- and with confidence?

Here’s the thing: you NEED clients if you want your business to bring in any money.

It’s that simple.

No clients, no income.

It doesn’t matter how awesome your skillset is: if you don’t have the ability to market yourself well, then you’re going to get lost in the noise.

After all, your clients aren’t going to magically appear out of thin air! You have to put in the work to find them.

But it doesn’t need to be an intimidating process.


You can land your first client, and your next 5, 10, 20+ clients, with confidence and without fear, when you know HOW to reach out and pitch them.

Pitching Clients 101 teaches you how to do exactly that.

This program will enable you to FINALLY land your first client… and you can use the strategies in Pitching Clients 101 to reach out to and pitch future clients again and again.

...which also means you’ll bring in a steady income for your business!

Pitching clients leads to getting hired to work on projects.

Working on projects leads to making money from your awesome freelancing skills.

And as you bring in more and more of an income, you’ll have the ability to…

  • Quit your day job
  • Go on that vacation you’ve always wanted
  • Save money for a house
  • Relieve the financial burden from your spouse
  • Give back to the community and donate to causes you care about
  • ...or whatever else you’d love to do in life!

It all begins with the right pitch -- and we’re here to help you with that.

Your Instructor

Sagan & Dan
Sagan & Dan

Hi! We’re Sagan and Dan. Between the two of us, we have nearly 20 years of combined business experience.

Although we’re business partners now with our communications education agency (Juxta Communications), we’ve also had various other solo businesses in the past: nutrition consulting, digital marketing, and freelance writing/editing/social media management.

...Which means we’ve had to work at finding new clients again and again over the years!

To be honest, we’re both introverts. We aren’t naturals at selling. In fact, neither of us LIKE being salesy.

However, we’ve gotten really good at getting clients over the years… and we’ve discovered ways that work well for us (yes, even as introverts!).

You don’t need to be salesy or extroverted to pitch clients with confidence! You just need the right strategies and tried-and-true methods to help you out. That’s exactly what you’ll get in Pitching Clients 101.

"Sagan is really engaging! She has an impressive screen presence and speaks clearly and succinctly. Sagan has plenty of personality, but it doesn’t distract from her points. She highlights what’s important without overdoing it and shares concrete information. Juxta Communications has a supportive, inspiring vibe, and they’ve proven that they have great value in their e-courses!"

- Alyssa, Co-Founder, Prickly Pair Sisters


Wouldn’t it be nice to approach clients stress-free and with a concrete strategy in place for landing that contract?

Yeah it would!

If you’re just starting your freelance business and you…

  • Feel awkward, uncomfortable, or intimidated by the idea of pitching clients
  • Hate feeling “pushy” or “salesy” when you pitch
  • Don’t know how to find the right client for your unique business
  • Have no idea what language to use when approaching potential clients
  • Want a confidence boost + practical tips for pitching without the fear

...then Pitching Clients 101 is the PERFECT fit for you!

We’ve got the resources you need to...

  • Stop freaking out about pitching clients
  • Find the RIGHT clients for you and your unique business
  • Learn real-life examples (and wording!) you can use to reach out to clients
  • Take ACTION on pitching clients
  • Feel more comfortable + confident with the idea of pitching (yes, even if you’re an introvert!)

Pitching clients for the first time doesn’t have to be scary.

When you have the tips, tools, and templates to do it right, you can feel confident about bringing in a real income for your business.

Course Curriculum

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
All course materials are in the curriculum now! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.

"Sagan’s helped me not just with how to find clients, but what to do once you have them!"

- Melanie, Copywriter, MelanieJSparks.com

Got questions? Email [email protected]!

Get started now!